Archive for the ‘The NEED to Exercise’ Category

Exercise – The Buy In Factor

July 13, 2010

What’s the “buy in” to get people to exercise? Obesity stats are up for adults over 20 by almost 10%, the baby boomer generation is flooding our health care system with heart attacks, hypertension and diabetes and the younger generation seems hellbent -(by action – certainly not by intention) on keeping up with the Jones’ by making childhood obesity and juvenile diabetes almost epidemic. As an owner of a health club – exercise isn’t my business – getting people to exercise is my business.  I cringe at how easily people fork over the $3.95 daily for an iced mocha latte with whip cream, or $7 on a pack of cigarettes or a six-pack of beer and how readily they  espouse that a health club membership or a Pilates class is too expensive at a daily rate of less than that. Have they done the math? How about the “I don’t have the time” excuse.  How long is spent watching TV, talking on the phone, shopping, puttering, stressing out over things we can’t control? And I’m not talking just about exercising at a health club – I’m talking about exercising in general.  All too often I see clients who have been driven in the carriage of their own fear to my door – they have high blood pressure – they survived a heart attack – they have diabetes – they have had some kind of a scare that has provided them with their “buy in factor”.   After inactivity has caused disease, they begin to understand.  Not to say that these people can’t make a huge difference in their own good health even after the fact.  They can.  But how to get to the rest who choose to ignore that inactivity causes disease.  And it does.  Your body NEEDS to move.  The blood needs to flow forcefully through your arteries and veins, keeping them elastic and young.  The heart yearns to pump that oxygen rich blood strongly to your brain, organs and muscles – carrying nutrients for cellular regeneration. Exercise fights disease.  It fights aging.  it improves memory, balance and mood. It fortifies independence and a longer healthier life. It’s the miracle drug provided by nature.  What are you waiting for?  Walk.  Play basketball with your kid.  Ride your bike. Go to the gym or a class. Make a date with a friend to hike or swim or walk the beach. Do this often…it really does become fun.  It really does work. Your body will be happier.  Your doctor’s bills will be less.  It will help your social life and your perspective. it’s never to late to start or too early to begin.  You can do it – YOU MUST! For your own good health.  Has this helped you with your “buy in factor”?